Weigh in With me #2

I posted a blog called Weigh In With Me a little over a week ago. In the blog, I express my want to get fit and look great while doing it.  I mentioned my weight and height and just how much weight I wanted to loose. I weighed myself recently and I am still 190 lbs. I didn't expect to loose weight in a week. But i feel great and can see a difference in my legs and waist.

After that post, I wrote another one showing you guys what videos I watch and exercises I was doing at the time called Tips for this Weight Thing.

When working out, I've heard that it's good to switch it up on your muscles every once and a while. When I started working out, I was doing a combination of 3 videos I found on Youtube. Then I came across the best dvd I've used so far.
The South Beach Diet Super Charged Workout dvd is awesome, It works out you entire body. You sweat and feel good. You can just feel you muscles working. If you haven't tried this dvd, you have to add it to your list.  I work out every other day for just over an hour each time. 


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