Raising Zombies

In an effort to keep my 4 year old active, I have made it my business to find weekend plans around New York for youths and families. All of my childhood memories consist of outdoor activities. Riding my bike, jumping rope with my friends, playing ding dong ditch, family trips to amusement parks, museums, church trips, field day in prospect park and so much more.

I feel like children these days would much rather sit in front of a television or computer and waste their youth away. I want him to enjoy being young and carefree. When I asked Elijah recently if he wanted to go outside and play in the snow with his cousins, he said no. I couldn't believe it. He'd rather have the computer to himself and play Mine craft uninterrupted.  

My aim is to create as many memories for the children in my family as possible. To remain active and enjoy childhood as long as they can. One way I plan to do that is to do this is, by looking online and in papers for youth and family events throughout New York . There are so many events to take advantage of like one that passed this weekend. The Brooklyn Public Library had an event called Journey Into Africa. I'm glad was able to attend and bring the kids along. I plan on going to so many more events and making memories with the kids. 

Brooklyn Sights
Amare 8, Amiyah 3, Elijah 4
My sister capturing moments of the children
Im happy to be a New Yorker. Brooklyn is beautiful
Lol, can we get it together guys
Gotta keep warm in this cold
Elijah being the sweet big brother that he is
The beautiful Brooklyn Public Library
I love this
The children were invited on stage to participate 
My baby girl Eliana, myself and one of the dancers after the show
New York
Sometimes the best way to travel in New York is the Subway system. Sometimes
How I found out about the event, and many more. The fact that it was free, allowed us the option to take the kids out to eat afterwards. 


  1. Awww! This is great. I agree, all my son likes to do is sit in front of his playstation all day! lol
    Beautiful family!


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