Accessories || Organize with out Hiding

If you are like me you LOVE to accessorize. Hats, necklaces, rings, bracelets, watches and earrings. You name, I love it! No matter what I have on, I accessorize. One accessory I cannot live without is a watch. Without a watch on, I feel incomplete. My ring is a given, because it never comes off.
If your like me, when ever you leave the house, for some reason you come back with an accessory. A pair of earrings, or necklace most likely. When you do that, your accessory inventory is always increasing.
Accessories are the best way to change up an out fit. Dress it down or dress it up, accessories will do that.
The only issue with having accessories sometimes, is deciding how to store them, where you will still be able to what you have. The have little closets are drawers yo store your accessories,  but its hard to know what you have when they are hidden. Now matter how cute the storage may look, it can be annoying looking for that pair of earrings you want for the day.  And necklaces often get tangled.
I've found a genius and inexpensive way to store your accessories. 
This is what I would normally store my accessories in, but going through the same draws everyday looking for different thing got annoying and time consuming. Though it is very nice to look at on my dresser, I'm over it. May still be used to store my rings. These are two separate pieces pieces. Both combined are about $60.

This is a divider my mom found for around 20$. I its a great and affordable way to store earrings. You can coordinate it anyway you want. By color, length or occasion. I absolutely love this idea.

I decided to put them together by color. Oranges, blues, purples, pewter, greens, neutral. I had fun with it.

Just a glimpse of some of my finds. I loveeeee these!!!!

Another little something. I have a Variety is sizes shapes and colors. 

This is a great way to hang you  necklaces. A .99 cent rack to hang coats or sweaters, can be used to hold necklaces of all sizes

Some shirt hangers to hold more necklaces. 

I said I had a lot lol. How I store my hats, watches and scarves will be next.


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