The Simplest Way to Increase Lactation

I have searched the Internet dozens of times looking for ways to increase lactation. A lot of new moms, and nursing moms in general, sometimes obsess over whether or not their child is getting enough milk. Though this is my second time around, I still have the same concerns.

My daughter El, was born at a bigger weight than my son, and her check-up's show that she is maintaining a decent and chunky weight lol. However, I still feel , at times, that she isn't getting enough.

At first when I felt like she wasn't getting enough milk, I tried to give her Enfamil's formula for Supplementing. She absolutely hates Enfamil. She only wants breast milk. Probably because Enfamil has an iron type of taste to it. (Of course I tried it), and breast milk is much sweeter.

 Enfamil has a line of products, that I was able to use when my son was a newborn, for when we were traveling and I forgot to pump and other situations. El , is in a completely different ballgame lol. So I had to find ways to lactate more so I can have bottles ready for any situation. If I have to make a run, go on  an interview and leave her with family, whatever the situation may be.

When doing my research I saw so many recipes and teas, and this' and thats. I wanted something straight to the point and simple. This is what works for me..

What I do:

Drink WATER!!!!  and lots of it. I started drinking more water and right away I could see a difference. Even though you may have to go to the bathroom more often, drinking more water helps your body produce milk.

Feed Baby/Pump more often! the more you pump, or the more the baby eats, the more your body produces. Try pumping after each feeding, or give yourself designated pumping times. Every 3 or 4 hours just pump. Even if there isn't much coming out, the suckling motion encourages the production.

Don't Stress!! I've read that stress can in fact decrease your milk supply. I know the term "Don't Stress" seems impossible. But try not to stress.

All of our bodies are different. Those 3 steps already are simple and easy and have worked for me. I have also read that, Flaxseed, rolled oats and Mothers Milk Tea help. In fact my sister in law says that Mothers Milk helped her tremendously. You can give those a try as well.

I have recently started adding flaxseed to my meals, especially breakfasts. I'll let you know how it works out.

Hope I helped.


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