Post Pregnancy Hair Loss (When and Why)

It happens to us all after pregnancy. Whether you notice it or not. For me in particular, I loose my edges and my hairline does the McDonalds arch thing (no exaggeration). But eventually they come back full and healthy as they were before.
We loose hair everyday. On average we loose 70-160 strands of hair per day. During your 3rd trimester, that hair stays in. It does not fall out. This is why your hair is more full during pregnancy.
When and Why Does Your Hair Start to Fall Out:
After you've had your baby, normally when she turns 3 months, your menstrual resumes or when you stop breastfeeding, the hair that didn't fall out during that last trimester, will start to shed.
Say you loose 120 strands of hair a day, now you'll be loosing 240 strands. Remember, you still have that hair that didn't fall out. You'll start to see that in the comb or brush. It will appear to be A LOT of hair.
It wont last forever and it is apart of pregnancy and very normal.
Now that we know why, you should also know, your nutrition aides in you hair loss. You might say "Well I'm eating good, and I work out, so why is this happening". Remember when nursing, you baby is getting a majority of the nutrients you put into your body.
If your eating crappy, then forget about it. Any stresses you may be dealing with such as; lack of sleep, insecurities about your post baby body and lack of support are the types of things that would normally effect your body and will also effect your hair loss.
My daughter just turned 3 months a few days ago, and just as I mentioned, that is a key time for all that extra hair to start falling out. It may make you feel a little insecure, but, Remember: It doesn't last forever. It is apart of pregnancy and you are not alone. And if ponytails aren't the most flattering at this time,then just wear you hair down and add some mascara. =)
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