How to Store your Breast Milk (Storing and Thawing)
Believe it or not, it's not as simple as freezing and heating it up. Although there arent very many steps that you need to take, there are some things you should keep in mind so you can make sure you are giving your baby the best of the best.

Here are some tips::
Wash your hands and clean the bottles before use.
Room Temperature:
In a room ( 66- 78 degrees F) for 4 to 6 hours.
In the refrigerator ( 39 degrees F) 3 to 8 days. When storing your breast milk in the refrigerator, it is best to put the milk in the coldest part. Such as The vegetable compartment, or the back on a glass shelf.
In the freezer ( 0 - 4 degrees F) for 6 to 12 months. Don't store in the door of the freezer.
- DO NOT REFREEZE you milk!!
- Don't microwave you milk. It may cause severe burns to baby's mouth due to hot spots that may have formed.
- Refrain from placing the bottle in boiling water.
- It is best to thaw milk overnight in the refrigerator and run under warm water until fully thawed and warmed.
- Try a bottle warmer if you don't already have one
- Gently swirl the bottle or storage bag to mix any fat that has separated. Avoid shaking or stirring the milk
- Do not save unfinished milk from a partially consumed bottle to use at another feeding.
- Previously frozen milk that has been thawed in the refrigerator must be used within twenty-four hours or discarded.
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