I'm Starting To Feel Pregnant

    I haven't gained much, or any, weight during this pregnancy of mine. Even in my 29 weeks, I've been active and haven't felt very tired or lazy. I like to be on the move, cookin or cleaning or playing with Lij as much as I can. Other than the first 3 months of morning sickness, I have had exceptional energy. Given that I take a nap when ever my body prompts me to LOL. Lately I get winded super fast.
    Just this morning, I was making Lij a bowl of cereal for breakfast. The time it took me to get the box of cereal and open, which wasn't even a full 60 second, I needed a seat. I was extremely winded. I felt a little light headed and my body felt extremely weighted. As if in the 45 seconds that I was standing up, I had miraculously gained 70 pounds and my body couldn't support that weight. I needed to lay down and fast. Yesterday when running errands with my boys, (Lij and my honey) I couldn't make it. Everything we do is local. From doctors appointments, to barbershops and grocery shopping, they are all walking distance away. We were in Tony's Pizza Shop and I couldn't imaging walking back to the house, just 6 short blocks away. Do I need a scooter LOL.
     My prenatal appointment is coming this week. I'll have to bring up all these concerns to my doctor. It nay be time to start taking it extremely easy. Stop pushing myself so much. Maybe even bed rest.

How was your pregnancy the closer you go to your due date?


  1. Oh, I remember being pregnant. Don't worry, you're in my prayers, you'll be fine.
    followed you back ;)



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