Natural Hair :: Legit or Phase ::

         It seems like everyone is "going natural" now a days. Well not everyone, but you see more than a few 'fros walking your way. I am a recent natural goer, but not because I've seen it being done. I've  seen natural hairstyles all the time and I have always thought that they were great. Real pretty and creative. Then I've seen some that just look like people just don't want to take care of their hair.
        I haven't been natural since I was 12. That's when I got my first perm. My hair was so thick that the perm didn't take the first time, and I had to do it all over again. Perms are easy. Weaves are easy. They don't require to much work. just wrap it at night and go in the morning. That's why I loved it. I loved the straight hair. But my hair was often damaged. Although I had a great beautician, aka my older sister, I still didn't take very good care of my hair. Now I'm 25 and going natural. I'm going natural because I am pregnant, and all the myths say that the chemicals in perms and hair dyes are no good during a pregnancy, and I believe them.
      I've been natural for close to a year now. for the first few months I had a braid in full head weave. I wasn't ready to figure out what to do with my hair every day. I had a full work schedule and a 4yr old. Now that I work much less, I have more time to figure out what styles work for me. I absolutely love my hair. It is getting back to a really healthy stage. Learning what products work and which products don't is fun. Bantu knots are a sometimes go to for me. But my hair bores me somewhat quickly so I like to come up with different ideas. I am currently styling my hair as I type lol. I'll keep track of products and take pictures of styles and post them for you guys. This natural is legit..( I intended to post a picture of the style I'm doing and the products I used today, which is just 100% Indian Hemp hair and scalp treatment, but I wasn't to satisfied with the end result) .

Are you natural and is it legit??

Until next time.


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