Laundry Time

        For babies, people always suggest Dreft detergent, so of course i went out and bought one for Elijah, and it works well. As i mentioned, Elijah has sensitive skin and the Dreft doesn't irritate him at all. Dreft is also good in the was, because you don't need a full cap full to get it working. Half a cap or less will do. Its unscented so you don't have to worry about the perfumes in some detergents on the babies skin.  For myself I use Gain, apple mango tango is my favorite scent for now. Its not harsh like Tide, which isn't good for my skin. I too have sensitive skin and was surprised to find that after trying Tide, Trend, and even Arm and Hammer,  Gain worked great for me. Team Dreft and Gain!!


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